It can spawn in several different locations, but will be in the same area as Ikrix, the Ravener, the resident Boss creature. This ARPG features complex character development, hundreds of unique items, crafting and quests with choice & consequence. Item Level: 20 Bonespike Rare One-Handed 18-52 Vitality Damage 1.93 Attacks per Second +42 Vitality Damage +22 Vitality Decay +232 Health +2 to Devouring Swarm +2 to Ravenous Earth -0. The map includes markers for all important stuff, currently the lsit is as follows: riftgates, entrances and exits, shrines, notable chests and enemies, bounties, nemeses, super bosses, friendly NPCs, rogue dungeon entrances, detonation and repair sites, levers and dynamite locations. 2 Guide 3 Rewards 4 Quest Log 5 Gallery Objectives Find Dahlia in the Mountain Deeps Return to Collin Taverin Guide Dahlia's corpse can be found within the Deeps. Grim Dawn is an action role-playing game for the PC, developed by veterans of Iron Lore Entertainment, the creators of Titan Quest.Įnter an apocalyptic fantasy world where humanity is on the brink of extinction, iron is valued above gold and trust is hard earned. Any treasure trove you like - BoC and Mountain Deeps are both easy to get to.