Operation spring cleaning
Operation spring cleaning

operation spring cleaning

GUC will attempt to contact all businesses known to be open during 10 p.m. We will also share the information on our Facebook and Twitter pages. In addition to the list below, weekly notices will be published in The Daily Reflector, on GUCtv – channel 35, GTV-9, and posted on GUC’s website,, including an interactive map that identifies areas scheduled to be cleaned.

#Operation spring cleaning drivers

West Virginia State Troopers, Greenbrier County Sheriff’s Deputies, and Lewisburg Police Officers arrested a total of 19 drivers on Friday, April 2, 2021.

operation spring cleaning

Lucie Police (PSLPD), Special Investigations Unit, initiated an investigation into the drug trafficking (DTO) of Kevin Piscottano and his associates. The Drug Enforcement (DEA) working in conjunction with the Port St. If customers experience any air or discolored water in their water lines as a result of Operation Spring Clean, GUC recommends turning on the cold-water faucet in the bathtub and running the water for five to 10 minutes until it runs clear. LEWISBURG, WV (WVNS) Law enforcement agencies in Greenbrier County arrested multiple people and seized drugs as part of Operation: Spring Cleaning. Operation Spring Cleaning Takes Down A Prescription Drug Trafficking Ring In Port St. GUC advises customers to avoid washing clothes until the water is clear.” As a result, water may be discolored for a short period of time. Although there is no health risk, the cleaning process involves flushing the pipes with high velocities of water. (if possible) when their lines are being cleaned. “Water service will not be interrupted because of Operation Spring Clean however, we advise customers to avoid using water to 6 a.m.,” said Randy Emory, GUC’s Director of Water Resources. More than two-dozen arrests have already been made in Operation Spring Cleaning, with at least eight being arrested on Tuesday according to Craighead County deputies. “To minimize inconvenience to customers, cleaning will be conducted Sunday through Friday fromġ0 p.m. The program involves opening fire hydrants and allowing them to flow freely for a short time. During the 13-week program, all 722 miles of water distribution lines on GUC’s system will be cleaned.

operation spring cleaning

“Operation Spring Clean” will run from March 20th through June 17th. GREENVILLE, N.C (WNCT) – Greenville Utilities will soon begin “Operation Spring Clean,” our annual preventive maintenance program to ensure that GUC customers continue to receive high-quality water.

Operation spring cleaning